Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Pictures by LA Photography

Todd's mother who we now call "Granna", wanted to get all her grandchildren together for a picture. She hired Leigh Anne from LA Photography in Mount Olive, Alabama. We decided to have the pictures made at the Old Sardis School off Old Sardis Road in Morris, AL. We moved our original session time up a couple of hours due to the rain that was heading our way. The kids were a little fussy but, Leigh Anne was able to capture the most beautiful pictures. She is truly a talented photographer. What a pleasure it was to work with her. Click on the link below to view her blog which has some of our pictures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Batman, Super Girl & Super Messy Girl!

Gates LOVES to wear his Batman pj's. He wears them all the time. Ella just got her new Super Girl pj's for Easter and I think she likes them a lot. They run around together playing Batman and Super Girl. It is quite cute. We also have Super Messy Girl Mady Claire eating her chocolate poptart this morning. What a mess she made. I had to put her straight in the bath to get her clean. Just wanted you all to see how our house is filled with a bunch of characters...I'll post Easter pictures later this week!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our three little monkeys!

Here are some pictures of our little monkeys this past week. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We need a new couch BAD!

Here are some pictures of the jungle gym that our kids love. It is actually our couch. We have tried EVERYTHING to get them to stop jumping, rolling, and leaping on the couch but we have been unsuccessful. Our poor little couch is crumbling and falling apart. Here are some pictures of Ella and Mady Claire leaping off the arm of the couch just this a.m. I took a picture of the couch without the cushions so you all could see how the couch has taken a real beating...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mady Claire is walking!

Mady Claire is now walking. She started out walking by holding onto her baby stroller that Granna gave her for Christmas. She has now mastered walking without support. She is walking like a champ and we are so happy! Way to go Mady Claire!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cousin Ethan

Thought I would post some pictures of the kids with cousin Ethan. The three kids LOVED having Ethan in town and playing with him. They miss him now that he is back home.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

McWane Center

Aunt Monique and cousin Ethan came in town last week so we all headed to the McWane Center. All the kids had a blast. We were there for over five hours looking at fish, buliding bridges, watching experiments, and napping. It was so much fun!!!

Happy 1st Birthday Mady Claire!

Our sweet baby girl Mady Claire is now officially one year old. We had a sweet little party for her at Chick-Fil-A. Mady Claire had so much fun and thank you everyone for sharing in this joyous celebration. She had her one year check up and weighed in at 23 lbs and 30 inches long. She is in the 75 percentile for both height and weight. She is quite healthy and is right on target for her development.